These Mini Bricks Might Become a Lego Fans’ New Obsession

A deep dive into a smaller, more affordable option. One particularly fun discovery I made while learning more about generic Lego alternatives over the last year or so was a line of…

The Many Shades of Grey in the Questionable World of Lego Knock-Offs and Alt-Bricks

Several years ago there was a knock-off Lego band called Lepin. Lepin sold copies of popular Lego building sets direct-from-China for half (or less) of the Lego price.  The sets weren’t…

I Built My First Lego Set at 36 Years Old

...and it was awesome. I never had any Lego kits as a kid. I wasn’t deprived - I had video games, Ninja Turtles, plenty of other toys. Lego - somehow - just…